A Few Weather Sites
Squalls, doldrums, heavy seas, gear failures, being tired, being cold
are the condition for sailing, part and parcel of the commitment to
get from here to there -- not enemies to be eliminated, but
companions to be danced with.
- Unknown.
There are at least a zillion weather sites. Check out Yahoo! or one of
the many search engines. These are a handful that I have found useful
in preparing for the weekend sail. I have no interest in keeping up
with weather sites, so this page will not change much, if ever.
Some Useful Weather info
The U.S. National Weather Service
- Especially useful here are the
marine weatherfaxes.
National Weather Data
- NWS info from Ohio State
Java (tm) Demos and Work in Progress
- Useful Java applets with weather maps and sat. data from U. Ill.
Current Observation for Thomas Point, MD
- A little real-time buoy action.
National Data Buoy Center
- The National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), a Department
of Commerce agency, deploys buoys throughout the
world's oceans and lakes. NDBC also operates many
coastal, land-based stations. Meteorological and
oceanographic variables such as wind speed and
direction and wave conditions are measured hourly
by sensors onboard these buoys and land stations.
sci.geo.meteorology FAQ
- Ok. So you want more. Check out this extraordinary faq put together
by Ilana Stern.
Oceanweather Inc.
- A private marine forecasting and consulting firm that makes available
some of their data on the web for noncommercial use.
- Marine section of intellicast.com.
Marine Weather dot Com
- A bunch of useful info.
Some Weather Services (some require fees)
Jenifer Clark's Gulfstream
- Fee service which provides Gulf Stream charts for mariners.
Ocean Strategies
- Ocean Strategies is a weather, routing and seamanship technology
company, specializing in providing customized routing packages
and instruction in weather analysis and interpretation. I took a
weather course from Michael Carr,
the president of this company.
- This business is run as a low-cost subscription service, with lots of
free material.
Form last
updated: Sun July 27, 1997
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Copyright 1994-2015 Mark Rosenstein.