"For the truth is that I already know as much about my fate as I need
to know. The day will come when I will die. So the only matter of
consequence before me is what I will do with my allotted time. I can
remain on shore, paralyzed with fear, or I can raise my sails and dip
and soar in the breeze."
- Richard Bode, First you have to row a little boat
Welcome to my sailing page of internet sailing
resources. Please browse though the material or use the
table of contents. If you discover items on the
net I've missed, don't hesitate to contact me, so I
can enjoy them and reference them for the use of others.
The research group I'm in is very
interested in developing tools to help people find
items of interest to them in the World Wide
Web. We have some ideas,
but to better understand how people are currently finding things,
if you wouldn't mind, please mail me how you found this page,
which would be very helpful. Thanks. -- Mark.
Table of Contents
Some Local Stuff I've collected
Current Affairs
Tall Ships
Mailing Lists
Netnews Groups
Sailing Opportunities
Sailing Clubs
Other People's Stories - Tales of ordinary sailing adventures!
Sailboat Chartering
Sailing Books, Videos, Bookstores and Publishers
Sailing Magazines
Online Sailing Texts
One Design Resources - also owners associations
Boating Safety
Sailing Associations
Sailing Related Equipment - hardware, sailmakers, discounters, etc.
Sailboat Manufacturers and Distributors
Sailboat Designers, Plan Resources, and Classification Societies
Sailing Software
Maritime History
Traditional Boating
Maritime Archaeology
Maritime Museums Online
Regional Sailing Resources
Educational Opportunities - Colleges offering
maritime and naval related degrees (B.A., M.A., etc)
Learn to Sail Opportunities - on the water, recreational navigation, stuff for kids, etc.
Weather Information - just a few sites
Other Sailing Indexes - sites that provide a large number of links and/or
host a variety of sailing resources.
Other Sailing Resources - More sites that caught my fancy. Check 'em out
Some Local Stuff I've collected
Report on Sail for America
- I participated in the Sail for America, 9/14/02.
Some useful knots
- I created some animated gifs to show how to tie a handful of knots.
Sailing in the Netherlands
- Info on a 10 day sailing trip I took in the Netherlands.
Sailing into the Past - WoodenBoat 12 Meter Regatta
- I got an opportunity to be a participant on Northern Light, a
12 meter built in 1938 racing in the WoodenBoat 12 Meter Regatta in
September 1997. Herein lies the story.
Legacy: Materials from the Historic American Merchant Marine Survey
- For a class on museum exhibit design, I put together a proposal and
model of an exhibit on the Historic American Merchant Marine Survey (HAMMS).
Columbus 500
- In 1992, I sailed on Soren Larsen a 140' brigantine on the
Puerto Rico, San Salvador, New York, Mystic, Boston leg of the Columbus 500.
To prove what a
fabulous experience it was, we even got to see a shuttle launch as we
cruised by Florida. See also my short
Soren Larsen page.
"HMS" Rose Trip
- From July 11, 1994 to July 15, 1994 I sailed aboard "HMS" Rose from Erie, PA to Port Stanley, Ont.
Munson Institute at Mystic Seaport Museum
- During the Summer of 1995, I attended the Munson Institute, and took two
graduate level maritime history courses. I had a great time.
Georg Stage Sail Raising
- While at Mystic, the Georg Stage visited, and I took some
photos as they raised sail at dockside.
Cruising on Christmas and
weather course.
- I've taken two courses at the WoodenBoat School. One
was a cruising course on the lovely wooden vessel Christmas in 1994
and the other was a week course in understanding weather in 1997.
Sailing Page Technical Reports
- Sailing Page Technical Reports are a series of papers describing technical
aspects of this sailing page, or covering more general topics of sailing,
computation and the internet.
Report on an experimental search facility
- For seven years, I experimented with some ideas on restricted domain
Sailing Haikus
- For those days when 17 syllables is enuf.
Sailing Movies
- This is just a really short collection of comments and availability
of sailing related movies.
Interesting Tidbits from
- A collection of things I've saved from
Current Affairs
Around Alone
- A single-handed global yacht race.
Chicago Maritime Festival
- Annual event, usually in February, that celebrate Chicago's maritime
Clipper Racing
- This is Sir Robin Knox-Johnston's Round The World Race between eight
identical purpose built yachts. Each one has a professional skipper and up to
14 crew who pay for the experience.
Newport Bermuda Race
Jobson Sailing, Inc.
- Gary Jobson's site. Here because he has a listing of the schedule for
Sailing on ESPN (a
sailing sports TV Cable channel in the U.S.)
Team Challenge US
- You are following the run up to the 2004 Olympics, aren't you?
Cutty Sark Tall Ships' Race
- The Official Site.
The Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race
- A number of the U.S. East Coast schooners gather in October
to race down the Chesapeake Bay.
Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race
- The official World Wide Web server for the Sydney-Hobart yacht
race, the greatest blue-water ocean race ever! [And Australians would never
Challenge Business
- Various race and cruising opportunities.
Champagne Mumm Cordon Rouge
- Champagne Mumm's Passion for Sailing site.
OpSail 2000(tm)
- The schedule and info for the tallships in the year 2000 OpSail events.
The Whitbread Round The World Race
- For the Volvo Trophy.
Elle Racing Syndicate
- Looks like they were a non-starter for the Whitbread. Ah, well.
Tall Ships
American Sail Training Association
- ASTA is committed to promoting sail training and sea
education in North America, providing people of all ages,
backgrounds and abilities access to the adventure of a
lifetime. Sail training is adventure travel aboard a tall ship.
- Schooner sailing the Puget Sound area.
A.J. Meerwald
- A 1928 as an oyster dredger currently sailing the Delaware Bay and River
and Coastal New Jersey, with the object of promoting ecological and
historical awareness.
Alexander von Humboldt
- A 125 foot main topsail schooner.
Schooner America
- The 1995 reproduction.
American Pride
- A 130ft 3-masted schooner out of Long Beach, California.
Amerigo Vespucci
Amistad America, Inc.
- AMISTAD America Inc. is a not-for-profit educational
organization formed to promote the Amistad replica.
The schooner Anna Rogde
- The ruby of North Norwegian coastal culture
Schooner Appledore
- Operated by BaySail, and located in Bay City, Michigan and sails primarily
on the Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron.
S.T.V. Asgard II
- Irish Sail Training Vessel.
T.S. Astrid Home Page
- The Batavialand shipyard shows how the Dutch have mastered shipbuilding over the centuries; robust ships that were capable of traversing Dutch and international waters. The shipyard will take you back to the world of historical shipbuilding, crafts and the Dutch Golden Age. The famous reconstruction of the VOC ship the Batavia lies docked at the wharf at Batavialand.
Bluenose II
The Arctic SchoonerBowdoin
- Built in 1921 for arctic exploration, she's back at it, sailing out of
the Maine Maritime Academy.
- The 1962 MGM Studios replica. I even have a
HMAV Bounty
- Built for the movie "Mutiny on the Bounty" starring Mel Gibson and
Anthony Hopkins.
Bytown Brigantine Foundation
- Which operates the Black Jack and the Fair Jeanne.
- Re-creation of the 1848-vintage Revenue Cutter, C.W. Lawrence.
Sailing Yacht Canada
- Information on the vessel and its restoration project.
Christian Radich
- Replica of a Hudson River Sloop. Clearwater conducts environmental
education, advocacy programs and celebrations to protect the Hudson River
Clipper City
- Sailing out of Baltimore, Maryland.
- The classroom of Class Afloat.
USS Constitution
- "Old Ironsides" - Boston, Mass.
Cutty Sark
- Permanently at 'anchor' overlooking the River Thames, Greenwich, England.
Dar Mlodziezy
- The Dar Mlodziezy (Gift of Youth) is a training ship for the
Gdynia Maritime Academy, Poland
- Replica of a three-masted barque used to carry emigrants to the
new world from 1845-1870. Co. Wexford, Ireland.
U.S. Coast Guard Barque Eagle
U.S.S. Constellation
Frigate D. Fernando II e Glória
- The last Frigate to server under sail in the Portugese Navy. Now a museum
ship in Lisbon.
- A replica of the 1606 vessel, Australia's first known European visitor.
- The Netherlands.
- Information on Elissa from the Texas Seaport Museum.
- The Endeavour is a full scale sailing replica of the original HM Bark
in which Captain James Cook made his first historic world voyage of discovery.
- Replica of the ship that founded Melbourne. Williamstown, Victoria
Bergantín Goleta Esmeralda (6ta)
- An ex-steam/sail trawler which has been renovated and rebuilt into a
3-masted schooner. Based in Findland.
Bark Europa
- Originally, the German lightship Senator Brockes, built in
Eye of the Wind
- See also sea stories from folks who sailed on her.
- A 45m barque which has worked the waters around Australia, primarily
South Australia, since her purchase in 1923. She was built in Holland in 1919.
- Salem, Massachusetts reconstruction of a 171-foot three-masted Salem East
- The Barkentine Gazela, built in Portugal in 1883 of stone pine and
now sailing out of Philadelphia.
Georg Stage
- This is the new one. The old one, now called Joseph Conrad,
is moored permanently at Mystic Seaport. The new visited the old, and
I took these pictures of the new
Georg Stage Sail Raising.
The Golden Hinde
Gorch Fock
Barque T/S Gunilla
Half Moon
- Replica of Henry Hudson's Half Moon (Halve Maen).
Schooner Harvey Gamage
- One of the vessels used by Ocean Classrooms.
T/S Havden
- Swedish sail training vessel.
Hawaiian Chieftain
- With Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Authority, Aberdeen, Washington.
Isaac H. Evans
- Sails on Penobscot Bay, Maine.
The SchoonerJ & B
- St. John's Harbour, NF, Canada.
The SchoonerJ & B
- St. John's Harbour, NF, Canada.
STSJean de la Lune
- Scotland
Jeanie Johnston
- Replica of famous Irish famine ship.
Schooner J. & E. Riggin
- Cruising the islands of Midcoast Maine.
Jens Krogh
- Jens Krogh is a training vessel constructed in 1899 in wood.
- Japanese training ship.
Kalmar Nyckel
Lady Ellen
Lady Washington
La Violante
- Based in Sydney during the Australian summer and cruises the South
Pacific, based in Vanuatu from May to November every year.
S.T.S. Leeuwin
- The S.T.S. Leeuwin is a tall ship doing adventure holidays and youth
development in Western Australia
Lewis R. French
- Coasting schooner launched in 1871 cruising each year from Memorial
Day to Columbus Day from Camden, Maine.
Buque Escuela Fragata A.R.A.Libertad
- Argentine barque.
Galeasen Loyal
- Madeline is a reconstruction of a mid 19th century fore and aft
schooner built by the Maritime Heritage Alliance, a non profit organization based in Traverse City, Michigan. Please see their website for the other historic vessels
they own.
Mamie A. Mister
- Oyster Skipjack sailing in the Chesapeake.
- Reproduction of John Cabot's ship.
Morning Star Trust
- The Morning Star Trust is a Christian sail training organisation based
in Chatham Historic Dockyard on the River Medway. The Trust operates a 62ft
gaff rigged ketch Morning Star of Revelation taking young people
sailing in the Thames Estuary, off the East Coast, and, weather permitting,
further afield to ports in France, Belgium and Holland.
Nathaniel Bowditch
- Sailing off the coast of Maine.
U.S. Brig Niagara
- Reconstruction of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry's flagship in the
battle of Lake Erie. Sailing out of Erie, Pennsylvania.
North End Shipyard Schooners
- North End Schooners is
a loose association of 2 traditonal wooden sailing vessels,
Heritage and,
American Eagle.
They are located in Rockland, Maine and are
dedicated to preserving Maine's maritime heritage by offering windjammer
cruises that allow passengers to experience life at sea.
S.T.V.One and All
- Australia.
- A three-masted topsail schooner which allows interested parties to
participate as passengers on cruises to distant destinations.
HMCS Oriole
- 102 ft ketch owned by the Canadian Navy and used for training of
Regular and Reserve Canadian Navy members.
Picton Castle
- The 178 foot 3-masted steel barque will be starting an 18 month round
the world voyage westward bound in the tropics with expense sharing
crew and cargo. Getting underway October 1997. See also,
Picton Castle.
- A full-sized replica of the square-rigged vessel on which
Richard Henry Dana sailed into Dana Point Harbor. Owned by the
Ocean Institute.
Spirit of Dana Point
- The Spirit of Dana Point is a traditionally built, accurate replica
of a 1770's privateer used during the American Revolution. Owned by the
Ocean Institute.
Pride of Baltimore II
The Continental Sloop Providence
- A 110' foot replica of a 1775 War Sloop, currently sailing out of
Providence, Rhode Island.
- Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
S/V Quinnipiack
- A two-masted, gaff-rigged centerboard schooner operated by
Schooner, Inc., a non-profit marine education organization dedicated
to the conservation of the environment, particularly Long Island Sound and
the rivers of Connecticut.
RIGMOR von Glückstadt
- The ex-customs cutter "RIGMOR", Germany's oldest seagoing sailing
vessel of 1853.
Roald Amundsen
- A 50 metre brig run by LebenLernen auf Segelschiffen e.V.
HMS Rose
- Last of the Gloucester Grand Banks schooners in regular service.
sails the coast of New England summers and the Caribbean winters.
Individual & Group inquiries invited. Offshore re-positioning trips
spring and fall.
The Royaliste
- Replica 18th century gaff rigged square tops'l dispatch gunboat/bomb ketch.
R.Tucker Thompson
- Based at Opua, in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand.
St. Lawrence II
- Operated by Brigantine Inc., a non-profit youth program for boys and
girls, age 13 to 18, which started in 1953 and is one of the oldest sail
training programs in North America. Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
S.A.L.T.S. Sail and Life Training Society
- Sail and Life Training Society is non-profit Christian organization that
is dedicated to youth training under sail. They built and operate the schooners
Pacific Swift and Pacific Grace.
Home port for these vessels is Victoria, BC, Canada.
Sant Juan Bautista
- Replica of vessel used in Japan's first diplomatic
mission to Europe in 1613. Dockside in Miyagi, Japan.
Schooner, Inc.
- Schooner is a private, non-profit marine education organization
dedicated to the conservation of the environment, particularly
Long Island Sound and the rivers of Connecticut, and appreciation of
their culture, history and future. They operate the 91-foot sailing
research vessel Quinnipiack.
Sea Cloud
Sea Education Association (SEA)
- Offer opportunities in education, combining the worlds of science and
humanities with a once-in-a-lifetime experience on a sailing vessel at
sea. Operate the SSV Robert C. Seamans and SSV Corwith Cramer.
Frigate Shtandart
Buque EscuelaSimon Bolivar
- Page of BE-11 Simon Bolivar Venezuelan Tall Ship.
Skibladner II
Soren Larsen
- Also see my short Soren Larsen
page, and my Columbus 500 adventure.
- The schooner used by SoundWaters, a nonprofit environmental education
organization dedicated to the restoration and preservation of Long
Island Sound and its watershed through hands-on learning and public awareness.
STS Spirit of New Zealand
- Spirit of Adventure Trust. New Zealand based.
Another site. and
Spirit of Massachusetts
Stad Amsterdam
- A modern version of a nineteenth-century clipper.
- Owned by the association "Verein zur Forderung der Segelschiffahrt e.v."
Stahlratte was built in 1903 in Holland as a sailinglogger and since
1984 has been sailing in international waterways.
Star of India
- Also info here.
Statsraad Lehmkuhl
Stephen Taber
- Sailing out of Rockport, Maine.
- Replica of a 18th century schooner based in Chestertown, Maryland.
Swan fan Makkum
- Brigantine sailing out of the Netherlands.
SSV Tabor Boy
- 29 meter schooner owned by Tabor Academy, Marion, MA.
INS Tarangini
- Indian Navy three-masted Barque training vessel.
The Schooner Thomas E. Lannon
- Day sailing out of Gloucester, Massachusetts.
The Schooner Timberwind
- The Schooner Timberwind sails for 3, 4, and six day cruises on the
coast of Maine. Traditional sailing at it's best with no engine on board
and woodstove cooking.
Brigantine Windeward Bound
- Windeward Bound is a brigantine 24.1 metres in length, with
home port of Hobart, Australia.
STS Young Endeavour
- Australia's sail training ship, operated for the Young Endeavour Youth
Scheme by the Royal Australian Navy.
Victory Chimes
- Three-masted schooner part of the Maine Windjammer fleet.
Schooner Zodiac
- Based in Seattle, Washington, and is available for day sails as well as
longer sailing retreats on Puget Sound and Lake Washington.
Clipper Zuid-Holland
- Sails on the Dutch Waddenzee.
Svenska Kryssarklubbens Seglarskola
- The Swedish Cruising Club Sail Training Foundation (english) which operates three traditional sailing vessels
vessels, Gratitude, Gratia and
Toronto Brigantine
- Run the STV Pathfinder and TS Playfair, 22m (72') brigantines
Sausalito Tall Ships Society
- The Sausalito Tall Ships Society (STSS) is a non-profit
organization dedicated to educating people in traditional nautical
skills and supporting the operation and preservation of traditional
sailing vessels, particularly tall ships.
Association of Sea Training Organisations
- The Association of Sea Training Organisations - is an "umbrella"
association which exists to represent the major sail training schemes in
Great Britain.
Sail Training International
- Its purpose is the education and development of young people of all
nationalities, religions and social background through sailing. Its subsidiary
company Sail Training International Events Limited organises the Tall Ship's
Races (for sail training vessels), conferences and seminars.
Southampton and Salisbury branch of STA
- Includes unofficial description of STA, and also description of vessels
STS Sir Winston Churchill and STS Malcolm Miller.
L'Association Francaise des Amis des Grands Voiliers
- An organization whose goals include promoting sail training
courses aboard tall ships from different countries.
Cutty Sark Tall Ships Race
Americas' Sail
- An organization dedicated to promoting public tall ship
events and festivals and an exchange of cultural experiences between, but
not limited to, North and South America.
Star Clippers
Mot Bädttre Vetande, MBV
- MBV operates three sail training vessels: Hawila,
Astrid Finne, and soon Gunilla.
Northwest Schooner Society
- The Northwest Schooner Society was established in 1994 to preserve
schooners and to introduce more people to the thrill of sailing classic ships.
Currently, they operate the schooners Zodiac and Martha.
Square Sail Shipyard Limited
- Fleet of Square Riggers. Facilities for Film and TV. Training course.
Traverse Tall Ship Co.
- Operates the schooners Manitou and Malabar out of Traverse
City, Michigan in lakes Michigan and Huron.
Jubilee Sailing Trust
- Where physically disabled and able-bodied people share the challenge
of crewing a tall ship at sea. Southampton, England.
My Tall Ships FAQ
- Mostly it is useful because it has a list of national sail
training (tallship) organizations. Many of them have Web pages!
Tallship Related Items
- More tallship links that have overflowed from this page.
Sailing Opportunities
This is oriented to the stuff I'm interested in. Also check out
my more normal Sailboat Chartering page. It's not
that these organizations don't have your nice sunny charters, but that they
also have the more out-of-the-way opportunities.
Soren Larsen
- Information and route of this great vessel. See my Columbus 500 adventure for instance.
Ocean Voyages
- A broker I have used to find interesting sailing opportunities.
Arctic Adventours, Inc
- About The Arctic Explorer Project... or why on earth does anybody want
to travel to cold and remote areas?
The idea behind these expeditions is to sail to the areas & spots of
the Arctic that are inaccessible by other means of transportation. By
using a sailing boat, we can attain that with a maximum of comfort and
a minimum of noise and pollution.
Sites that match crew and boats
- This is a collection of sites that provide matching services to help crew
find boats, and boats find crew.
Maritime Museums Online
Aberdeen Maritime Museum
- Aberdeen Maritime Museum is currently housed one of the
city's oldest surviving buildings known as Provost Ross's House
(right) in the Shiprow. Through outstanding collections of
maritime fine art, historic ship models, drawings and objects
the Museum tells the fascinating story of the North East's long
association with the sea.
Aegean Maritime Museum
- Mykonos, Greece
Alexandria Seaport Foundation
- The Foundation runs the Craddock Boat Building School, restores historic
watercraft and conducts a marine environmental sciences program. Alexandria,
American Merchant Marine Museum
- Of the United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY.
American Victory Mariners Memorial
& Museum Ship
- American Victory is a 1945 built merchant marine vessel of the victory
class. Tampa, Florida.
Annapolis Maritime Museum
- Annapolis, MD.
The Antique Boat Museum
- Preserving the boats, engines and artifacts, the people and skills
that developed them and their influence on life along the St. Lawrence River.
Clayton, New York.
Ålands Sjöfartsmuesum
- This site contains information on the Åland Maritime Museum in
Mariehamn including a tour of the museum. (The Åland Islands are a series of islands between Finland
and Sweden.)
Australian National Maritime Museum, Darling Harbour
- Sydney, Australia.
Nationaal Baggermuseum
- Dutch National Museum of Dredging at Sliedrecht, Netherlands.
Bartholomeu Diaz Martime Museum
- Mossel Bay, South Africa.
Bataviawerf and Nationaal Scheepshistorisch Centrum
- Lelystad, The Netherlands.
Battleship Cove Fall River, Massachusetts
- Five ships including U.S.S Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., the
Battleship Massachusetts, and the MGM replica of the HMS Bounty.
Biloxi Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum
- Biloxi, Mississippi.
The Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archeology
- Bodrum, Republic of Turkey.
Brasil Maritmo
Bremerton Naval Museum
- Bremerton, Washington.
Calvert Marine Museum
- Solomons, Maryland
Canal Park and Museum
- Located on the shore of Lake Superior at the Duluth Ship Canal.
Cape Code Maritime Museum
- Hyannis, MA.
Captain Cook Memorial Museum, Whitby
- Whitby, North Yorkshire, UK.
Charlestown Navy Yard
- Part of the Boston National Historical Park in Boston, Mass.
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
- Located on a peninsula in the harbor of historic and picturesque St.
Michaels, the
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum has grown from a single house when it was
established in 1965 to an 18-acre campus of restored buildings and new
structures erected to exhibit a comprehensive collection of Bay artifacts and
to preserve the cultural heritage of the Chesapeake Bay.
Chittenango Landing Canal Boat Museum
- Chittenango, New York
Civil Engineer Corps/ Seabee Museum
- Port Hueneme, California. Also annex located in Gulfport, Mississippi.
Also see CEC/Seabee Historical Foundation.
The Clyde Maritime Centre
- The Clyde Maritime Centre is located at Yorkhill Quay, Glasgow.
Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum
- Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
Columbia River Maritime Museum
- Astoria, Oregon.
Connecticut River Museum
- Essex, Connecticut.
Deutsches Museum: Schiffahrt
- Marine Navigation at the Deutsches Museum in München, as well
as many other maritime related exhibits.
Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum
- German Maritime Museum. Bremerhaven, Germany.
Discovery Harbour
- Replica of the Royal Naval establishment at Penetanguishene, Ontario,
Canada. Includes replicas of H.M.S. Tecumseth and
H.M.S. Bee.
Door County Maritime Museum
- Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. (On Lake Michigan).
The Dory Shop
- Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Egan Institute of Maritime Studies
- Nantucket, Massachusetts.
East End Seaport Maritime Museum
- Greenport, Long Island, New York.
The Erie Canal Museum
- The Erie Canal Museum is located in Syracuse, NY, on the site of the
original canal that once passed through the heart of the city of Syracuse.
The museum features many exhibits of canal era activities, including the
construction and the influence that the canal has had on the economic and
cultural development of upstate New York.
Essex Historical Society & Shipbuilding Museum
- Includes a museum and the Story Shipyard. Essex, Massachusetts.
The Estonian State Maritime Museum (Meremuuseum)
- Exhibits the general history of shipping and fishing in Estonia. Tallinn,
Exeter Maritime Museum
Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic
- Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Fisherman's Life Museum
- Jeddore Oyster Ponds, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet
- Fisheries and Maritime Museum, Esbjerg, Denmark.
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum
- Victoria, Australia.
Francis Russell Hart Nautical Museum at MIT
The focus of the collections has been on the technical history of ship
and small craft design, construction, and propulsion. The majority of
the material is from the New England area in the late 19th century and
the 20th century. As this has mirrored the work done in the Department
of Ocean Engineering, the collections also contain items from the
department's history. Physically, the holdings consist of drawings,
books, models, photographic materials, marine art and artifacts.
Geelong Maritime Museum
- North Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum
- Whitefish Point, Michigan.
Hampton Roads Naval Museum
- Norfolk, Virginia.
Handels- og Søfartsmuseet på Kronborg
- Danish Maritime Museum, Kronborg, Helsing, Denmark.
Havre de Grace Maritime Museum
- Havre de Grace, Maryland
Hellenic Maritime Museum
- Piraeus, Hellas, Greece.
The Herreshoff Marine
Museum & America's Cup Hall of Fame
- Bristol, Rhode Island.
Hudson River Maritime Museum
- Kingston, New York.
The Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow
- Includes a nice virtual exhibit: Captain Cook: Voyage of Discovery and promise of an upcoming one
on the Vikings.
Independence Seaport Museum
- Located on Philadelphia's historic Penn's Landing.
Inland Seas Maritime Museum
- Vermilion, Ohio.
Institute for Exploration
- Dr. Robert Ballard's institute, associated with the Mystic Aquarium.
Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum
- USS Intrepid moored in New York City Harbor.
Jeremiah O'Brien
- Liberty Ship
The Kendall Whaling Museum
- Sharon, Mass.
Kilens Skeppsbyggnadsmuseum
- History of shipbuilding, shipbuilders and ships of Sideby in Southern
Ostrobothnia, Finland. Over 130 sailing vessels were built on the shipyards
of Sideby between 1828-1920 (in Swedish).
Lake Champlain Maritime Museum
- Basin Harbor, Vermont.
Long Island Maritime Museum
- West Sayville, New York.
Los Angeles Maritime Museum
- San Pedro, California.
Maine Maritime Museum
- Founded in 1962, Maine Maritime Museum collects,
preserves and interprets materials relating to the maritime
history of Maine. It is located on the banks of the Kennebec
River in Bath.
Maine Watercraft Museum
- Thomaston, Maine.
The Mariners' Museum
- There are more than 35,000 artifacts, 500,000+ photographic images and
negatives, as well as one of the largest Maritime library collection in the Western
Hemisphere ( over 75,000 volumes in the collection). Gosh, and a bunch of it
is starting to appear online!
Marinemuseet i Horten
- Norway.
Marine Museum at Fall River
- Fall River, Mass.
Marine Museum of the Great Lakes At Kingston
- Collection contains artifacts
representative of those used aboard sailing, steam and
small craft on the Great Lakes; 8,000 titles in the
library covering most aspects of Canadian marine
activities; design drawings, shipyards, builders plans
(30,000 items); private and corporate
papers, cinematic, video and audio tapes; database of 4500
ships registered at ports on the Great Lakes mostly from
the 19th century. Includes info on research services.
Marinha de Guerra Portuguesa
- Portugal War Navy Museum. Lisbon, Portugal.
- Swedish Naval Museum. On the island of Stumholmen, which lies close to
the centre of Karlskrona.
Maritime Command Museum
- Features exhibits, artifacts, photographs and historical documents from
the Royal Canadian Navy. Halifax, NS, Canada.
Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
- The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic is the marine history division of
the Nova Scotia Museum. This unique museum, located on the revitalized
Halifax waterfront, offers visitors many opportunities to discover Atlantic
Canada's maritime heritage.
The Maritime Museum of British Columbia
- Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Maritime Museum of Crete
The Maritime Museum of Finland
- Helsinki, Finland.
Maritime Museum of Monterey
- Monterey, California.
Maritime Museum of Townsville
- Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
Maritime & Yachting Museum
- Stuart, Florida.
Marquette Maritime Museum
- The Marquette Maritime Museum tells the story of the Maritime heritage of
Marquette and Lake Superior. Located in Marquette, Michigan.
Mary Rose Virtual Museum
- The Mary Rose was a four masted
warship, built on the orders of Henry VIII between 1510 and 1511.
After a long and successful period of service she sank accidentally
during an engagement with the French fleet in the Solent in 1545. Her
rediscovery and raising were one of the seminal events in the history
of nautical
archaeology. The ship was raised by and is being cared for by the Mary Rose
Trust. There is also news.
Merseyside Maritime Museum
- Liverpool, UK.
Michigan Maritime Museum
- South Haven, Michigan.
Minnesota Marine Art Museum
- Winona, Minnesota.
Mississippi River Museum
- Dubuque, Iowa.
Miyagi Prefesture Sailing Ship Musium
- Miyagi, Japan. (I currently only have a link to their vessel).
Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
- On January 30, 1975, the U.S. designated its first national
marine sanctuary. The site was the wreck of the USS Monitor,
a Civil War vessel that lies off the coast of North Carolina.
The Musée de la Mer
- Magdalen Islands.
Musée national de la Marine
- Paris, France.
Museo Navale Romano
- Italy.
Museo Naval y Marítimo
- Valparaiso - Chile
Museu de Marinha - Maritime Museum
- The Maritime Museum was founded by King Luís on July 22nd 1863
in Lisbon, Portugal. Includes history of the museum and images from their
Museu Marítim de Barcelona
- Barcelona, Spain.
The Museum in Docklands
- Explores the story of London's River. London, UK.
Museum of Tropical Queensland
- Maritime archeology center. Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
Museum of Yachting
- Newport, Rhode Island.
Mystic Seaport
- Mystic Seaport is a non-profit museum whose mission is to tell the story of
America and the Sea. Founded in 1929, the Museum has become the
largest institution of its kind, with 22,000 members, 450,000 annual
visitors, and more than two million items in the collection, including the
largest assemblage of historic watercraft in existence.
Nantucket Life-Saving Museum
- Nantucket.
The National Maritime Museum
- The museum in Greenwich, London.
National Maritime Museum Association
- The National Maritime Museum Association is a non profit organization
dedicated to maritime preservation and education in order to enhance public
understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of our national maritime heritage.
The Association assists, and encourages community participation in and support
of, the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, a unit of the National Park Service.
National Maritime Museum (Israel)
- Information on this museum located in Haifa.
National Museum of Naval Aviation
- Pensacola, Florida.
- NAUTICUS, The National Maritime Center.
A family-oriented nautical "theme park" with over 150 interactive,
and fun, exhibits relating to the sea and man's relationship with it.
The Naval Museum of Alberta
Naval Museum of Thera
- Santorini, Greece.
Naval Undersea Museum
- Keyport, Washington.
The Navy Museum
- U.S. Navy. Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.
Nelson's Dockyard Museum
- This museum tells the story of English Harbour
and of the people that toiled and sweated in this
naval yard. It will also explain the 20th century return of sailing
ships and the aims and aspirations of Nelson's Dockyard National Park.
A library and database of Caribbean naval history is available for
researchers. - St. John's, Antigua, West Indies.
New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park
- Commemorates the history and heritage of New Bedford as the world's
leading port for the whaling industry. New Bedford, Massachusetts.
New Jersey Naval Museum
- Home of the submarine: USS LING SS-297. Hackensack, New Jersey.
New Netherland Museum
- Croton-on-Hudson, New York. The museum operates the Half Moon,
a reproduction of the ship that Henry Hudson sailed from Holland to the
New World in 1609.
Newport Harbor Nautical Museum
- Newport Beach, California.
New Zealand National Maritime Museum
- Celebrates New Zealand's maritime heritage and the voyaging traditions and
craft of the Pacific. Auckland, New Zealand.
Nippon-Maru Memorial Park & Yokohama Maritime Museum
- Yokohama, Japan.
Nobska News: New England Steamship Foundation
- Nobska News is the official newsletter
of the New England Steamship Foundation, the non-profit society
dedicated to the preservation of the S.S. NOBSKA, America's
last coastal steamship.
Norsk Sjøfartsmuseum
- The Norwegian Maritime Museum located in Oslo.
North Carolina Maritime Museum
- The North Carolina Maritime Museum documents, collects, preserves, and
researches the maritime history--and its corollary natural history-- of
coastal North Carolina for the purpose of interpreting this history through
educational services and exhibits for our contemporary society, and passing
intact its material culture to future generations.
NYK Maritime Museum (Nippon Yusen Rekishi-Shiryokan)
- Yokohama, Japan.
Odyssey Maritime Discovery Center
- Seattle, Washington.
Old Dartmouth Historical Society - New Bedford Whaling Museum
- New Bedford, Massachusetts.
intact its material culture to future generations.
Oregon Maritime Center and Museum
- Portland, Oregon.
The Peabody Essex Museum
- Includes an interesting section on Maritime
Art and History.
Penobscot Marine Museum
- Searsport, Maine.
Pensacola Maritime Preservation Society
- Pensacola, Florida.
Plymouth Naval Base Museum
- Plymouth, UK.
Port Albert Maritime Museum
- Port Albert, Victoria, Australia.
Port of Echuca
- A working steam port. Echuca, Victoria, Australia.
Portland Maritime Discovery Centre
- Portland, Victoria, Australia.
Portsmouth Historic Ships
- The British Royal Dockyard, the Royal Naval Museum along with the vessels,
The Mary Rose, HMS Victory and HMS Warrior 1860.
Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society
- Working to establish a permanent Maritime Heritage Center, they currently
exhibit materials at a variety of Seattle, WA sites.
Patuxent River Naval Air Museum
- Lexington Park, Maryland.
Queensland Maritime Museum
- South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Reedville Fishermen's Museum
- Dedicated to preserving the heritage of the maritime history of the
Virginia Chesapeake Bay area. Reedsville, Virginia.
The River and Rowing Museum
- Mill Meadows, Henley-on-Thames, England.
A Short History of the Royal Greenwich Observatory
Saginaw River Marine Historical Society
- Bay City, Michigan
Salem Maritime National Historic Site
- U.S. National Park established to preserve
and interpret the maritime history of New England and the United States.
Salem, Massachusetts.
Samson V Maritime Museum
- New Westminister, British Columbia, Canada.
San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum
- USS Midway.
San Diego Maritime Museum
- Including info on the Star of India.
San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park
- Also check out the pages by the National
Maritime Museum Association about this U.S. National Park,
including information on their historic vessels.
Santa Barbara Maritime Museum
- Santa Barbara, California.
- Netherlands Maritime Museum, located in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Schifffahrts- und Marinemuseum Schloss Tessenow
Shelburne Museum
- Home of the steamship Ticonderoga. The Ticonderoga is America's last remaining
side paddlewheel passenger
steamer with a vertical beam engine of the type that provided freight and
passenger service on America's lakes and rivers from the early l9th to
mid-20th centuries. A registered National Historic Landmark, the Ti was
commissioned by the Champlain Transportation Company and built in 1906 at
the Shelburne Shipyard on Lake Champlain.
Smithsonian: The Hall of American Maritime Enterprise
- Overview from the National Museum of American History. The Hall of
American Maritime Enterprise portrays three centuries of ocean and
river commerce with photographs, objects, films, and models of sailing ships
and steamships.
- The National Maritime Museum of Sweden. Stockholm, Sweden.
Soo Locks Visitor's Center
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers facility describing the history of locks
on the Great Lakes. Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.
South African Maritime Museum
- Cape Town, South Africa
South Australian Maritime Museum
- Port Adelaide, SA, Australia.
A la rencontre de Sindbad
- An exhibit at Musée de la marine in Paris, placed online by
The french ministry of culture and
francophonie. I haven't found a pointer to the museum itself, yet.
The Southport Maritime Museum
- The Southport Maritime Museum houses a collection of
memorabilia pertaining to the vast nautical history of 'The Lower
Cape Fear' area of southeastern North Carolina.
[Not much info on the net yet, 8/12/95 - but a start!]
The South Street Seaport Museum
- The South Street Seaport Museum occupies the site of the
original port in lower Manhattan, New York City. This eleven-square-block historic
district of stone-paved streets and eighteenth- and nineteenth-century
buildings takes its name from the renowned "Street of Ships," and is now
home to the museum's fleet of historic vessels.
Stavanger Sjøfartsmuseum
- The Stavanger Maritime Museum is a department of Stavanger Museum.
Stavanger, Norway.
Svensk dykerihistorisk förening
- The Swedish Historical Diving Society was founded in 1979
to save the old Navy escape training tower for future generations.
Located in central Stockholm and near the Vasa museum.
Sydney Maritime Museum
- Sydney, Australia
Sydney Heritage Fleet
- Includes the tall ship 1874 barque James Craig, classic steamers
and sailing craft, and a library and extensive photo collection.
Sydney, Australia
The Noble Maritime Collection
- The Noble Maritime Collection, is a museum and
maritime study center located on the historic grounds
of New York's Staten Island's Snug Harbor Cultural Center.
Tahoe Maritime Museum
- Lake Tahoe, CA.
Texas Maritime Museum
- Rockport, Texas.
Texas Seaport Museum
Toms River Seaport Society and Maritime Museum
- Toms River, New Jersey.
Tuckerton Seaport
- Showcases the rich maritime history of Southern Ocean County, New Jersey.
Tuckerton, New Jersey.
Turkish Naval Museum
- Istanbul, Turkey.
Untzi Museoa - Museo Naval
- Donostia / San Sebastian, Spain.
U.S. Coast Guard Museum
- Located in Waesche Hall on the grounds of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy
in New London, Connecticut.
U.S. Merchant Marine Museum
- Museum devoted to the U.S. merchant seaman of World War II.
Anderson, Indiana.
U.S. Naval Academy Museum
- Annapolis, Maryland.
U.S. Naval Museum of Armament & Technology
- China Lake, California.
United States Naval and Shipbuilding Museum
- Quincy, Massachusetts
U.S. Naval War College Museum
- Newport, RI
U.S. Navy Submarine Force Museum
- Home of the USS Nautilus. Located on the Thames River in Groton,
U.S. Navy Supply Corps Museum
- Athens, Georgia.
USS Constitution Museum
- Boston, Massachusetts.
Vancouver Maritime Museum
- Information on the museum, including the vessel RCMP schooner St. Roch
The Vasa Museum
- In August 1628 the royal warship Vasa heeled over and sank on her maiden
voyage, before leaving Stockholm harbour. The Vasa was the most expensive and
perhaps most richly decorated naval vessel that Sweden had ever built. She was
the King`s pride and the mightiest naval ship of her time. In 1956 Anders Franzén
found the ship and initiated one of Sweden`s largest ever projects of marine
archaeology. There is also a museum overview.
Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde
- Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark.
Walker Transportation Collection
- This organization is associated with the Beverly Historical
Society & Museum in
Beverly, Mass and have around 100,000 photos covering all forms of
transportation in New England. A good number of them cover ships and
boats in and around New England. They also have a collection of
books and other related material, pertaining to nautica. All
material is avaiable to the public.
Western Australian Maritime Museum
- The Western Australian Maritime Museum is part of the Western Australian
Museum. It is located in Fremantle and consists of the Maritime Museum,
the Historic Boats Museum as museum venues and the Departments of Maritime
Archaeology, Maritime History and Education.
Westport Maritime Museum
- Westport, Washington.
The Steamer William G. Mather Museum
- The William G. Mather is a retired Great Lakes Bulk Freighter.
In December, 1987, the Steamer William G Mather was donated to The
Great Lakes Historical Society. In
October 1990, she was moved to her permanent berth at the East Ninth Street
Pier on Cleveland's North Coast Harbor.
Wisconsin Maritime Museum
- Presents history of the ships of Lake Michigan. Exhibits include the WWII
submarine USS Cobia. Located in Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
The Wooden Boat Foundation
- Located in the heart of the Victorian Seaport of Port Townsend,
New York and New Jersey Info
- Some stuff I've collected about maritime sites in the NY - NJ area.
Cubberley & Shaw Maritime Museum News
- Website for a newsletter that provides information about maritime
heritage activities throughout New England.
International Congress of Maritime Museums
- A professional guild of institutions, organizations, and individuals in the
maritime-preservation field, dedicated to international friendship, collegial
cooperation, and mutual understanding.
Council of American Maritime Museums
Maritime Museums in Greece
- Gopher information on maritime and naval museums in Greece.
A listing
or hypertext
of maritime museums. Look here for for museums in the UK.
- The first listing is collected from sci.military, and is definitely
biased toward places that have boats, especially ones of military
significance. The second is the first augmented. The last is UK only.
Robert H. Smith's Index
- Or more formally: Robert H. Smith's Master Index of North American
Maritime Museum Internet Resources.
Other Sailing Resources
The majority of this section is now located at
other sailing resources, but I thought I'd leave a handful of sites
as a teaser.
Sailing FAQ
or Sailing FAQ
- Two locations of the FAQ maintained by
(John Forbes Hughes). Here is some info
on his boat Sarah.
A directory of boat images from Steve Blair at
PPL Photo Gallery
- Samples of of photographs held by PPL by subject.
Wavelength Studios
- Sailing images from Andrew Sims, Marine Photographer.
Popeye the Sailor
- I have to admit, I much prefer the original Segar Popeye to the later versions.
International Maritime Organization
- The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is the United Nations'
specialized agency responsible for improving maritime safety and
preventing pollution from ships.
U.S. Coast Guard Online Resources
Links to Coast Guard Related Web Sites
Canadian Coast Guard
- Information on the Canadian Coast Guard and boating in Canada.
Rescue Coordination Centre Bermuda / Bermuda Harbour Radio
Royal National Lifeboat Institution
- Also see Red Bay RNLI Lifeboat Station
International Marine Signal Flags,
some national flags
and the comprehensivePub. No. 102: International Code of Signals.
- For instance you now know the interpretation of the flag sequence:
My vessel is a dangerous source of radiation; you may approach from
Tide Info
- This account is intended to provide an easily accessible data
base of tidal heights and winds along the U.S. east coast.
See README file.
- These are a sample of GPS information available on the net.
NMEA 0183 Interface
- This is a small sample of NMEA 0183 information available on the net.
I haven't been following this very carefully, so there are probably better
More Sailing Resources!
- This is where I've moved all those other sites, that weren't easily
catagorized, but yet I found interesting.
Mark wrestling with a Major Boat
I'm always open to adding resources to my list, so if you know of other items,
give me a holler:
History: The early history of this site is clouded in the mysteries of my
forgetful memory. Initially, the site started out as a page of my
sailing bookmarks. Soon after that I, created the site.
The earliest file, which I still have, (tall-ships-faq) was modified on
June 18 1993. I moved the site off my personal machine when my company
installed their first firewall onto an SGI Indigo R4000 called community,
located outside the firewall.
My log files from that machine begin June 13, 1994. In September 1996, I
established the domain and in August 1997 began moving
visitors from the community machine to In late summer 1998
I turned community off and all traffic is now served from the
Page last updated: Feb 27 06:38:56 2010 MDT.
Current (Jan. 2001) Traffic: about 35 people an hour
(I often forget to update the last updated, so things might be more recent.)
Copyright 1993-2015 Mark Rosenstein.